Evolutionarily Significant Sites

here for a short biography of Charles Darwin
Check out the work being done at the Charles
Darwin Research Station in the Galapagos Islands.
Browse on-line copies of some of Darwin's most influential works:
The Tree
of Life Page: A resource containing phylogenetic data on thousands
of organisms.
Also see Phylogenetics
and the Web for links to sequence search engines and related sites
and Journey into
the World of Cladistics for some general background on the concepts
behind phylogenetic systematics.
The Interactive
Fly - a cyberspace guide to Drosophila genes and their roles in development.

Check out UC Berkeley's Museum
of Paleontology. Some great virtual exhibits are currently on-line.
Questions about Hardy-Weinberg? Try this Hardy-Weinberg
Equilibrium simulation at the University of Chicago.
The Center for Scientific
Creation has some interesting arguments against evolution.
The Internet
Infidel's Secular Web in defense of evolution.
The Talk Orgins
Archive is a newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biologcal
and physical origins.

Some say that life on Earth arose from bacterial spores from
space. Click here for information
on this new evolutionary theory.
Interested in seeing Natural Selection, drift and those other familiar
evolutionary forces at work in nature? Click here
for an extensive bibliography of genetic variation in natural populations.